We’re all too busy to read everything that’s good for us—too busy, even, to read everything that arrives in our email inboxes. Weekend Reading is my attempt to deliver something worthwhile to your inbox—something you have the absolute freedom to read, delete, or save to review later, at your leisure.
My promise for your Weekend Reading: brief, interesting, clever, timely, thought-provoking—never boring. From a well known publication, an obscure journal, or my own keyboard, I promise you’ll look forward to the regular arrival of Weekend Reading in your inbox. It is utterly non-promotional and I will never use your email address, or allow it to be used, for anything else.
Every email you receive allows you to instantly unsubscribe, so it’s risk-free. A few samples of popular Weekend Readings follow the subscription form. You can also find Weekend Reading on Twitter and Facebook by searching for #wkdrdg.
Samples of Weekend Reading:
- Surprises Are the New Normal; Resilience Is the New Skill by Rosabeth Moss Kanter in Harvard Business Review
- 10 Life Lessons You Should Unlearn by Martha Beck in Oprah
- The Most Important Question You Can Ask Yourself Today by Mark Manson at Huffington Post
- Why Rituals Work by Francesca Gino and Michael I. Norton in Scientific American